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Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process Services

  • Verification of Claims submitted by Financial Creditors, Operational Creditors, Workmen/Employees and Statutory dues, etc.
  • Taking over control and custody of any asset over which the Corporate Debtor has ownership rights as recorded in the Balance Sheet of the Corporate Debtor, or with information utility or the depository of securities or any other registry that records the ownership of assets.
  • Communication with all stakeholders such as Committee of Creditors, Other claimants, Promoters and Directors, Key Managerial Personnel, Statutory authorities, Auditors, Employees of Corporate Debtor, etc. for the purpose of seeking information, informing them about the commencement of CIRP, coordinating for pending litigation.
  • Convening the meeting of Committee of Creditors and preparing all the related documents such as Notices, Agenda, Minutes, Summary of Voting Results, etc.
  • Co-ordinating and interacting with Legal Counsels appointed for handling litigations initiated by Resolution Professional or any other person.
  • Supervising the accounts and finance function of the Corporate Debtor and keep a close watch on the cash flow from operations and to maintain accounts for CIRP cost.
  • Drafting of documents related to Resolution Plan Process such as Information Memorandum, Evaluation Matrix, Eligibility criteria, Detailed Expression of Interest, Request for Resolution Plan (RFRP), etc.
  • Due Diligence of Resolution Applicants to check the eligibility as per Section 29A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and Verification of the Resolution Plans.

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