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Dr. (Mrs.) Vandna Dangi

(FCA, Ph.D. MBA, M.A., B.A. (Hons.)

Dr. (Mrs.) Vandna Dangi

A Chartered Accountant with Doctoral and Graduate degree in Business Management and a Bachelors (Hons.) and Masters degree in Economics, having over 30 years’ experience of working as Faculty in leading Business Schools and as Executive Director in Financial Services industry. Specialization includes Resolution of Industrial Sickness, Corporate Consultancy and Merchant Banking.

Authored Books, Research Papers and Articles in the field of Economic Policy, Global Economy, Trade Policy, Monetary Policy, Capital Markets, Debt Markets and Corporate Governance. Previously worked as Faculty/Guest Faculty in Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, NM Institute of Management Studies, ICFAIN Business School, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology at Mumbai and RA Podar Institute of Management, University of Rajasthan.